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An image gallery of EASA EVOLUTION half height shower door installations


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EASA Evolution half height shower doors > Image gallery

EASA Evolution half height shower doors

Please take a moment to browse through our EASA Evolution image gallery. A picture can often explain at a glance where words simply fail. Although each of the examples shown here incorporates a low level shower tray the EVOLUTION half height shower door is equally at home in a wet room shower environment.

Alcove shower with two bi-folding half height EASA Evolution shower doors. (Doors have acrylic semi-opaque panels)

EASA EVOLUTION - a pair of half height bi-folding shower doors enclose an alcove shower

EASA EVOLUTION  bi-folding half height shower doors. Note how they fold back unobtrusively.

Note how the bi-fold doors tuck out of the way neatly when open.



Corner shower comprising two bi-folding half height EASA Evolution shower doors, one with fixed inline panel. (Doors have acrylic semi-opaque panels)

EASA EVOLUTION half height shower doors. A corner shower area is enclosed by a pair of bi-folding shower doors, one side lengthened by a fixed extender panel.

An attractive corner shower enclosure using EASA EVOLUTION half height bi-folding shower doors



Corner shower comprising two bi-folding half height EASA Evolution shower doors.

EASA EVOLUTION half height corner shower enclosure. Note the widest possible entrance when both bi-fold doors are fully opened.

The attractive EASA Evolution half height shower doors fold unobtrusively out of the way to expose the widest possible entry



Alcove shower with a single bi-folding half height EASA Evolution shower door. (Illustration shows clear toughened glass door panels)

A single bi-folding half height shower door from the EASA Evolution range encloses this alcove shower

A bi-folding ha;f height shower door takes up comparatively little space when open and folded.

Note how the single bi-folding half height door folds to one side leaving the other with no obstruction.



Corner shower comprising a single bi-folding half height EASA Evolution shower door on one side and a full height fixed panel on the other.

EASA Evolution shower doors and screens can be configured to any custom requirement. Here a full length side panel separates the shower area from the adjacent room.

(Illustration shows clear toughened glass in the doors and the side panel)



EASA Evolution half height shower enclosure - WHITE

(Illustration shows an Evolution corner shower enclosure with white profiles)